Wrestlers Name:
Ring Name: Vanity
Real Name: Felicia Knight
Nicknames: Elysian Angel
Home Town: Pandora, Elysia
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5’2″
Weight: 129 Lbs.
Alignment: Dark Tweener
Pic Base: Peyton Royce

Gimmick: Assassin, Anointed of Apocalypse, daughter of Stalker Knight, Princess of Elysia.
In Ring Info:
Entrance Music: Galamukani – Caitlin De Ville
Entrance: Galamukani hits the P.A., a moment later Vanity steps through the curtain she is wearing a long fur jacket this jacket upon closer inspection would actually be better described as oilskin with bright unnatural colored fur lining, and patches covering most of the visible portions of it. Her upper face is covered by one of those lace masks, the kind that comes on a stick. Upon entering the ring, she removes this drapes it over the top rope, revealing leather gear akin to Kairi Sane.
Wrestling Style: Technical/Flyer
General Moves:
1. Monkey Flip
2. Diving Headbutt
3. Springboard Suicide Dive
4. Springboard Moonsault (Spinning Springboard when needed. The spin allows her to go from in the ring to the floor with it.)
5. 619
6. Catapult Cutter (Either a Springboard Cutter when wrestling as a singles competitor, or when she has a partner this move is performed by her being launched by her partner.)
7. Springboard Spinning Heel Kick
8. Slingblade
9. S.T.F.
10. Punt Kick
11. Superkick
12. Bridging Hammerlock
13. Condo Clutch
14. The Sacrifice (Pentagon Jr.)
15. Fujiwara Armbar
Signature Moves:
Vanity’s Indulgence – (Hair whip.)
Nephilum’s Wing – (Canadian Destroyer)
Angel’s Kiss- (Wheelbarrow Bulldog)
All in Vain – (450° Frog Splash)
Elysia Lock – (Anaconda Vice)