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March 2022


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~Brooklyn, NY~


The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch stands dead center. Fathi comes walking through the arch wearing a black paisley bandana shirt with black South pole jeans and black and white Chuck Taylor’s.  His hair is cut in a high and tight fade. Fathi steps out front the center of the Arch off to his left. 


Fathi: Apparently right here in BROOKLYN….


Fathi pauses for effect before continuing.


Fathi: …the home to one of the largest Muslim communities in the U.S. and infamous for the brawling mentality,  I will be facing Tyler Cross one on one. 


Stepping back a few steps he leans against the large stone block. He resumes


Fathi: In this match ALL of Empire is banned from ringside. There is no other participants. Why is this relevant?


He reaches into the pocket of his Southpole jeans and pulls out a pack of L&M red short cigarettes. Pulling one out, he places the cigarette in his mouth and slips the pack back into his pants. Taking a lighter he lights the cigarette and takes a drag before continuing. 


Fathi: Tyler wants to run his mouth about his precious victories. So, let’s recap shall we? Our first match together I was poisoned by Evan Storm which led me to take some time outside of the industry. Our next match Tyler couldn’t figure out how to beat me until Brian Kennedy suggested he light me on fire and his recent victory he didn’t pin me, submit me or even get me counted out. No, rather he pinned the third participant in the match.  He beat Dark Tiger


Fathi applauds mockingly. He takes another drag. The camera zooms in on Fathi’s face.


Fathi: Here is what I want to know Tyler. What is going to happen when this pathetic, irrelevant guy beats your bitch ass and shows the world once and for all that you were ALWAYS a paper champion compared to me? Tyler as Mark Wahlberg once said, ‘just because you put your finger in your belly button and brown shit comes out don’t mean it’s your asshole.’ 


He takes another drag and knocks off the ash. 


Fathi: Maybe others don’t see it but I do. I see the twitch in your eye this time Tyler. I see you skeared.  Don’t be skeared. Bring that giant inflated viagra popping ego. See I will say it so others don’t have to. I’m an asshole. I am. I made peace with that. But, I just showed everyone that your claims of beating me have less chance of standing on their own than George Burns’ dick. As for who you have beat in SCW only one of those have I faced and I beat him too.


Fathi smirks, takes a drag and blows the smoke at the camera.


Fathi: You want to talk about clocks and time cascading? This isn’t a Dr Seuss book you are walking into. This is a snuff film and you are the victim. I am the rabid cur and no one will be poisoning me this time, no one can slide you some matches and there is no additional opponent.  There will be no escape when this foaming, growling, rabid cur tears the flesh from your bone and has them tears rolling down your face before ending it because at the end of the day everyone gets… CAUGHT SLIPPING. 


Fathi tosses the remaining cigarette at the camera lens.


The scene fades with Fathi holding up a middle finger sneering.


Blasts from the Past

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The snow wasn’t staying on the ground as long, the mud was drying quicker, and temperature was bouncing up and down, all of this meaning one thing; spring was coming to Cleveland, Ohio. It was warm enough for the children to play outside, so on Saturday morning, after they finished their breakfast, all three of them conspired to drag their six foot eight inch, two hundred and eighty five pound father out the door and into the playground him and his brothers had built for them two summers prior.

Lucius watched as his children played on the swing, slide, bars, and other implements. The three eight year old children had been delighted when they’d first seen it. Lucius and three of his brothers spent several days putting it all together, after making a fair amount of the parts by hand at Lucius’ workshop across town. He smiled as he began setting up his camera equipment. After finishing it, he turned the camera on and began recording.

Lucius: Gabriel Tuck, I didn’t get a chance to tell you at the previous event, but welcome back to SCW. Yeah, I remember you. I remember you getting a shot or two at the Alternative Championship, but never being able to secure it. Hell, I don’t hold it against you. Once Emily Desmond got her claws on it, nobody could take it from her. For nearly two years, she ruled the Alternative Division, turning back all who challenged her, until the only challenger left was one who was forced to wait. Paige Lewis vs Emily Desmond, two women who have left their mark on SCW met in the ring, and it finally happened.

The big man smirked as he glanced at his children for a moment before he continued.

Lucius: Which, it’s funny you bring up Paige Lewis. If I recall correctly, and I very likely do, you’ve already crossed paths with her. In fact, you broke her nose and knocked her out in a match, and she still came back to win it. Paige Lewis has been proving for years that the rest of us aren’t on her level. By god, it took everything my wife had to beat her, and even Brian Kennedy had to cripple her to try to win. Let me level with you, though…I’d stay away from Paige Lewis for the time being, I don’t know exactly what is going on with her, Princess Kiya, and now Urakih, but…I think you should focus more on things that concern you…like somehow getting in the ring with me, Lucius Tendonin, SCW’s first Alternative Champion. Get passed me, and then maybe you can aim your sights a bit higher, man. After that, if you think you’ve got the sauce to dethrone Paige Lewis, go for it.

Sitting back in his chair more comfortably, Lucius began rubbing his chin while pressing the stop button on the remote for the camera. When they children was ready to come inside, he herded them in and started the fireplace so they could warm up and then began uploading his video to SCW servers.

Lions, Tigers and bears.

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Brian is seen with his SCW Alternative and Tag Titles over his shoulder. He is looking all healed up and ready for his match against Dark Tiger. He smirks, already knowing that he’s gonna get under dark tigers skin right off the bat. He places the Titles on the desk and he takes out his rolling tray, his Dutch and his weed. He looks up at the camera as he is breaking his buds up. He starts to speak.

Brian: “Lions tigers and bears oh my.”

He laughs. Knowing that he is just warming up. He splits the Dutch and puts the weed in it as he continues to talk.

“You know you have been looking a lot less like actual competitor and more like a joke or a novelty item as of late. You wanna step in the ring against one of the best the SCW has to offer and I’ve already proven that I am on a whole other level than any of the rest of you in the back. You see, I said that I was gonna win the Alternative Title and that’s exactly what I’ve done. See Lewis made a mistake choosing me to go defend that title because now this title is right where it belongs and I don’t give a fuck what Paige, Emily, Neela or anybody else has to say this title staying around my waist somebody’s gonna have to pin me or make me submit for me to relinquish this title anyone. They are going to have to earn it.”

He finishes rolling the blunt and lights it. Taking a few hits as he allows what was just said to sink in.

“You see. It’s been a long time coming but I am back on top, I’m looking good, I’m feeling good and much like the legendary Ric Flair says woo it’s Showtime and Dark Tiger when it comes time for me and you to step in that ring I’m gonna have myself a brand new tigerskin rug on the floor’ cause this isn’t a game by no means is this a game. This is war Tiger you’re coming down to my ring. You see Paige Lewis has cemented and her name in the books here at SCW so hasn’t Neela our GM she was out very first World Champion. I was the second, along with Emily, we are SCW legends. Your some lost little kitten playing in a shark tank with some of the biggest baddest sharks. And I smell blood. I smell fear. That’s why you haven’t said anything. That’s why you been silent. Cause you already know what comin boy. 2022 is the year of The Empire. We are taking over SCW again son. And there isn’t anything that anyone can do. So your choice is either. Get down or lay down. You don’t stand a snow balls chance in hell at beating me.”

“So come on kitty, come get ur issue. Cause the only thing that’s happening at our match is me issuing you a whole box of whip ass. Cause the only chance you have at beating me is if he’ll freezes over. I’ll see you soon.”

The scene fades to a Empire logo as Frostbite knocks on the door and is seen walking into Brian’s office.











By the Campire

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Out in the wilderness someplace, Gabriel Tuck sits in a lawn chair by a campfire. He would normally have a bunch of hooting clowns to keep him company, but now he’s alone. He watches the blaze and drinks on a beer from a cooler by the chair. 


Gabriel Tuck: A stiff welcome back to SCW it was, wasn’t it, Fathi? I figured you would have hollered to management by now to get yourself a rematch with me since you got a little pie to the face during that open challenge, but that part of the show hasn’t hit the air yet has it? I guess they bought you not coming at me with a main event slot. Whatever. I guess I get Jessica Tendonin’s luggage in the form of Lucius Tendonin. 


Gabriel drains his can of beer, crushing it in his hand and throwing the can into the fire. He belches loudly and looks around for the laughter from his clowns, but remembers that he’s alone.


Gabriel Tuck: Lucius, do you even know how to wrestle? I mean sure you do. You probably served as Jessica’s scratching post for years and are sure to have picked something up by now. At least I would have hoped that you would have learned something by now or else this match that we’re going to have is going to be a quick one as I punch your teeth down your throat.


I think that the time has come for this fed to have a fucking enema. You people have grown complacent in facing the same people week in and week out. I’ve come to shake shit up. Fuck men, the last time that I was here Paige Lewis was the fucking World champion. It’s about high time that someone dethroned her for good and that person happens to be me.


I don’t think that I can properly express in words how much I hate that chick for sitting at the top of the fucking food chain like the company were a god damned egg that will never hatch. 


Gabriel takes out a pack of cigarettes and lights one. He takes a nice, long drag and blows smoke into the air.


Gabriel Tuck: So, SCW, consider all of you on fucking notice. After I dispatch the trophy husband back crying to his wife, I will be coming for each and every one of you on my way to dethrone Paige Lewis for the last time.