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February 2018

Tendonin v. Lewis II!

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We knew it was going to happen, but we didn’t know when. When Jessica Tendonin challenged Paige Lewis for the SCW World Heavyweight Championship at SCW Survival, in an Ironman Match, the pair went through an absolute battle for the right to leave with the championship. Tendonin had already defended the International Championship earlier in the night against Red Dragon, and Lewis was fresh.

Early on, Lewis was gaining a big lead in points over the Dragon. Tendonin managed to turn the tables, however. As the timer ran out, though, the pair were tied. They went into sudden death, and continued to battle. Lewis would put up a great fight, but like many before her, she succumbed to the Paraguayan Imprint. After the end of the match, the pair shook hands.

Now, the time has come. Paige Lewis has decided to activate her rematch when SCW rolls into London at the O2 Arena. Lewis, who won the championship in New Orleans after defeating Drew Stevenson in an Ironman match, is a London native, who now lives in Cambridge. She’s looking to win it back in her hometown. But the big question is…can she do it? Nobody has defeated Jessica Tendonin for a world championship in 7 years. Will Lewis be the first? Find out on March 10th!

Jesse Owusu Returns to SCW!

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The man, the star, the champion. Jesse Owusu is not only one of SCW’s earliest stars, but also one of our first champions, being the inaugural SCW North American Champion. His reign is a day longer than that of the man who relieved him of the championship, but Owusu wasn’t pressed to go after the belt, as he became a challenger for the SCW World Championship.

There were rumors of a returning star, and we are able to confirm that Jesse Owusu is indeed the star who was set to return. Jesse Owusu competed at Overdrive 43, making his triumphant return over Jacina, also a former SCW North American Champion.

Initially, Mr. Walker claimed to not know who it was, but had this to say when we caught up with him.

“As if I wouldn’t know who’s going to be on payroll in my company? Jesse Owusu helped lift this company off the ground back in the day. If he were around longer, I imagine we might have seen him become SCW World Champion at some point. And who knows, perhaps he can earn himself a bid at the new SCW World Heavyweight Championship. Never know what the future holds. I’ve made a significant investment in getting Young Life back on SCW programming, and I’m sure he’ll make it worthwhile.”

For now, we are glad to have Owusu back in SCW, and look forward to seeing him do what he does best.

SCW Bonuses

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SCW Survival, after expenses, cleared over $435,000,000, completely obliterating the projected $250,000,000 goal. As a result, Mr. Walker has decided that each person in the SCW organization is well due for a bonus, after all of the hard work from not only the superstars, but the staff and crew, as well.

On Feb. 3rd, Mr. Walker issued the following statement.

“It’s crazy, yeah. We’ve got people on payroll going hard behind the scenes, just like our stars in the ring. It’s a team effort to put these events together. No one person is responsible for this. We made about a billion dollars last year in profits between selling tickets, merchandise, and PPV combos and whatnot. $435,000,000 is a lot of money. We were only projecting about a quarter billion for Survival.

That was a gross underestimation, we now see. But, like I said. We have a lot of people working to make this a successful organization. And I want all of them to understand how much I appreciate it. So, I’m giving everybody a bonus. And not a little punk ass bonus like Walmart and that thousand dollar foolishness. I’m giving every single SCW employee a bonus…of $2,500,000! And NOBODY is exempt.

If you get a paycheck from SCW, you’re getting this bonus. And, because I don’t want to screw up y’all taxes, these will be gifts, not income. I really can’t say how amazing it is to be standing here, talking about such big numbers. But, we’ve all earned it.”

Mr. Walker states that these gifts will begin arriving in mid February to mid March.