Scene 1: Promo Time
It had been a tough first few matches for Larissa. Two losses straight and it was about to get tougher as she had a legend in Veronica Rodriguez, who she was sort of concerned about. But the first person she would speak on, did not concern the red headed beauty at all. As she is seated, wearing her tool belt, which had her phone/watch in it, as well as several spy gadgets and guns, as well as her red spy suit, as she was preparing to go on a mission, she spoke.
Larissa: So a few weeks ago, I incurred another loss. But now, I find myself on the radar of a former champion who also happens to be a joke, in Jacina, and someone I consider an underrated legend, in Veronica Rodriguez. Let’s start with the joke.
As she continued on, her arrogance level grew when talking about Jacina. She knew Jacina wasnt anything to be concerned about. She knew this and would continue to drill it further, just how useless Jacina was. As she stood, in her office, which was where she was expecting a call, she spoke.
Larissa: Jacina. You had the title for one defense and lose it to another joke, in Stefanos Los Rios, who somehow had a longer reign than you. You know what that makes you? Two things actually. A loser and a joke. You couldn’t even hold on to the title against someone who’s less skilled than you. Let’s face it. SLR, like you, is a joke. The dude can’t win matches, just like you can’t, much less, when it matters. So why are you even in this match? That’s what I would like to know.
Her attitude then changed as she approached speaking about Veronica. She couldn’t trash talk her for reasons she would soon get into. As she smirked towards the camera, she would turn one shoulder to the camera, as she spoke.
Larissa: Vernoica, on the other hand, you’re someone I can’t trash talk. Why not? Because you, along with my friend and trainer, Rich Anderson, are two people I respect, and I don’t trash talk people I respect. I mean let’s look at what you’ve done. You’ve won titles in every fed you’ve been part of. And if I don’t win here, I’m sure you will. And for the love of everything, Ms. Rodriguez, please shut Tendonin up. And I really don’t care that Lucious will hear me. He can come find me and get his ass kicked. I ain’t afraid of anyone. But my point is, no matter which of us two wins, cause let’s face it, Jacina is not going to, let’s be sure to take Jessica down, once and for all.
At that point, her phone begins ringing. But as she couldn’t take a call right now, she knew she had to speed this up. As she finishes her promo, she speaks.
Larissa: Since I feel like I have said enough, I will end on this. Jacina, don’t even bother showing up. You’re overmatched by both Vero and by me. This isn’t a triple threat. It’s a handicap match for you, and one you won’t come out of. But by the end of it, it will be me coming out on top, and getting to kick Jessica in the teeth. And you two will both eat a Shanghai Noon. Prepare to be Shanghai’d, ladies.
She then turns to the front and strikes a Charlie’s Angels logo esque pose as the scene fades off.
Scene 2: The Mission Continues
Larissa could finally answer her phone. As she answers via watch, Charlie would begin speaking. As she listens carefully, she is seen, packing her things, from her hotel room in Paris, with her reading glasses around her neck, as she only wore them when she needed to see close up.
Charlie: At the end of our last mission, Agent Scarlett, we had you going after the flash drive. How is that mission proceeding?
The room wasn’t much but it would do. The walls were painted red, with black trim, with red curtains. The decor made things feel more like Russia or China in the last two Assassin’s Creed spinoff games, than France. She expected a bit more color, but this would do, as she was about to check out.
Agent Scarlett: I am currently in Paris. I have yet to find the flash drive, as the operative for Highlands escaped with it. But I have spoken to several people who seem to know where he is. They say he’s headed to London.
Charlie sighed. These Highlands folks were hard as hell to track but he had a beat on them as did she. At least she knew where they were going. Charlie then nods as he speaks again.
Charlie Good work. I have sent you tickets for the first train to London from Paris. You will board at 1 PM. It is now 12. Make your way to London Station as fast as possible, as if you miss the train, you will have possibly missed your chance at the flash drive, at least for now. Good luck, Charlie out.
Scarlett smiles as she realizes the mission now. At least she knew it before he did. He had to say no more. As she makes the mission clear one last time, she speaks.
Agent Scarlett: So I need to get to the station as soon as I can. Thankfully, I’m not far off so I can run and be there on time. I guess it’s that time. Let’s head that way.
Charlie then fades away, nodding, confirming her mission as what she had previously stated. A few hours after boarding, she was now in London. As she gets off the train, she speaks.
Agent Scarlett: London, I have arrived. Now, let’s go after that flash drive. But it’s not gonna be easy for sure. But first, I gotta get some food. Haven’t eaten all day. Damn time zones goofing things up. Let’s head into this cafe here for some food.
Once Scarlett is spotted by a Highlands member, gunfire starts to break out. She then draws her gun and begins shooting. As the Highlands member, disguised as a waiter, fires back, she does a few side rolls, to avoid the gunshots.
Agent Scarlett Oh crap! Gun shots! Let’s take care of this gunman or woman. Maybe they got the drive. I doubt it though. It wouldn’t be this easy. Maybe there’s some clue as to where they’ve gone if they’ve left.
She returns fire and immediately shoots the person in the head twice. She then does an Assasin’s Creed Chronicles: India, style loot, all to find some clues, but no drive. Apparently, this wasn’t the right member. As she realizes she can’t see the map without her reading glasses, she speaks.
Agent Scarlett: That’s taken care of. But what’s this? It looks like a map. I need to put my readers on. It seems it is pointing to the next locale and it looks like they’ve headed for Vienna. I need to get some way there asap. But will I get there in time?
As she removes her glasses and makes her way towards the train, the scene fades off.
To be Continued…..[/b]