Overdrive 52.5 Card

By April 17, 2021Card

May 8th, 2021
Staples Center
Los Angeles, California

Main Event
Brian Kennedy (c) vs Tyler Cross
Brian Kennedy makes his return to SCW in the reopening, taking on the newest SCW signing, Tyler Cross. Cross was previously and NCW exclusive star, but with the closure of NCW, he is looking for a new home. Brian Kennedy is looking to get back to the top of SCW, but will Tyler Cross slow down his rise?


Dean Tyler vs Emily Desmond
Dean Tyler, a newcomer to SCW will be making his debut against Emily Desmond, the former SCW Alternative Champion, who at one point was the longest reigning champion. Emily is scheduled to have a rematch for the Alternative Championship, but will she be able to dispatch Dean Tyler en route to the pay per view, or will the newcomer come out on top?


SCW North American Championship Number One Contender Series, Match 2
No Disqualification Match
Fathi vs Stalker Knight
Two men known worldwide will now collide inside of an SCW ring in a No Disqualification Match as the series continues. This match was specially requested by Stalker Knight, and the deal was sweetened by Neela, the General Manager. Fathi is giving up more than a foot in stature and nearly 200lbs, will he be able to overcome this, or will Stalker Knight’s request for this match be one he is happy about after?


SCW North American Championship Number One Contender Series, Match 1
Hell Kat vs Dark Tiger
Two new stars join SCW and battle it out in the opening match, as well as the first match of the North American Series. 


OOC Information

1st Deadline: 4/29/2021
2nd Deadline: 5/1/2021
Segment Deadline: 5/5/2021

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