I wanted to make a publicly visible list of the changes I’ve been making behind the scenes. These are meant to make this site more accessible, add features, and increase usage.
- Member Profiles
- This is a feature that kind of already existed, but because of how the site was built, it wasn’t accessible. My goal is to continuing working on it, and make our profiles on this site as a sort of mini social media. Note, this is just for fun, and not part of competing here.
- Multiple Accounts/Account Switching
- This is a feature I already had included, but never really announced. Personally, I like having separate accounts for my characters. You are NOT required to do so. I’ve also added a feature that allows you to easily switch accounts if you’d like to use it. Again, not a requirement.
- Formatting
- This website currently supports plain text, html, native text editors, and BBCode. What this means is, if you can code it, you can post it. If you’d like to see you post before you post it, there is a preview function. This is also a good resource for BBCode editing.
- Mass Email
- I’ve added a feature that allows me to email all users at once. I promise, I won’t be abusing this. Messages will come from scwefed@gmail.com. If you also use Gmail, you may get a yellow warning banner, stating that Gmail can’t confirm the message is really from that address. And the reason is because it technically isn’t, it’s from this site. But that’s all some tech mumbo jumbo that you don’t care about, lol. It’s a safe email.
- Site Security
- This site used to get a LOT of spam. I mean dozens of comments a week. I had comments hidden, so you all probably didn’t see any of them. This week, I’ve spoken with our host about how to combat this. I’ve changed some settings and that should reduce/eliminate the spam. I’ve also purchased some protection (cue the APA theme music) to help other threats that may exist. I’ve also had our SSL Certificate updated, so that your computer and antivirus don’t tell you the site is unsafe!
- Projects
- There are a few things I’m working on currently. While they aren’t ready to unveil, I can tell you about them. To build a excitement. No but really, I do want to tell you about them. First, a ‘Champions’ page has always been in the works. It’s a project I kept starting and not finishing. Sure, I have the google sheets document that shows all of our champions and automatically calculates length, but having something on the site would be nice, too, right? I am also working on having integrated forums. You would not need to sign up for a new site or anything. I know efeds and boards go hand in hand, and have for a long time. But, SCW has almost always been a place to post promos and results and not a lot else. With this site being designed to have promos posted to the main page, as well as cards and results being posted here, there wasn’t a lot of reason to have a separate forum. But, let’s see if the integrated forum project takes off.
So, that’s pretty much it for now. Keep an eye out for more updates and changes.
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