From the Magic Kingdom-Emily vs Paige Alternative Survival 2019

By January 27, 2019Roleplay/Promo
Off Camera[/u]


Emily is looking out her window over the lake outside the Grand Floridian hotel. Some might wonder why Emily chose to stay at “the happiest place on earth” , as Walt Disney World is referred to, but it was a place Emily has always liked. Although this is the first time she has ever stayed in one of their suites, and she was definitely liking the idea. Sure she could have stayed near the arena, she could have stayed anywhere she wanted, but this place had always brought back memories of when she was younger, when it was her with Lynn and Chris, and with Marie. Now they were scattered across the globe. Chris was meeting her and Alzy at the arena, Lynn and Marie were in Tokyo, and even Cam wasn’t there, having stayed in Savannah to deal with some issues with his mother. But Emily had arrived a couple days ago, and had been able to explore the parks in relative anonymity, which was a pleasure after being recognized at every turn. The view from her balcony was relaxing, the weather comfortable, and only a handful of things could make this stay better. She takes a deep breath and stretches, and then pours a large glass of ice water, and takes a healthy drink of it. She knows the camera crew will be arriving soon, and then later she’ll be headed to the arena, taking on perhaps one of a few who really does stand the chance of beating her. She sits down, and props her feet up on the edge of the balcony, thinking of Paige Lewis. There was no denying the girl was extremely talented, like herself, she had to be to beat Jessica Tendonin. But Emily wonders can she truly focus when she’s taking on Larissa for the World title as well. Although Emily can tell Paige what kind of threat Larissa is, but then Paige hasn’t bothered to ask. If she did Emily would provide all the information she knew from having face Larissa herself, but right now Emily’s train of thought isn’t Larissa, but Paige, a woman who granted was extremely talented, but Emily would be one of two matches Paige has, while Emily has just the one match. But Emily knows she can’t take Paige lightly.


Emily hears a knock on the door, and then hears Sean talking to someone. She stands and looks into the room and it’s the camera crew. She goes in and approaches the person who appears to be in charge of this small group. She shakes hands and then looks around.


Emily: Where would you like to set up?


Camera Man: Um……let me look.


He glances into the other room (a bedroom with a king size bed), and then steps onto the small balcony. He comes back in and looks around the room they are all standing in, and Emily is trying to stay extremely calm.


Camera Man: I think out on the balcony would be the best. I think we can find a position that would work perfect.


Emily: Ok you set up, I’ll take like five minutes to get ready.


The crew nods and pushes between Sean and Emily, and they both watch the three men. Emily finally looks at Sean.


Sean: You ok?


Emily: I think so. Although if these damn butterflies get much larger I’ll need a FAA license for them.


Sean: Just take a deep breath, and try to concentrate on this match, and nothing else. Paige is the one who’s pulling double duty, not you.


Emily looks at Sean and gives a weak smile. She kisses him on the cheek and goes in the bedroom to change and get ready. Not five minutes later she reappears wearing a light pink silk shirt, blue jeans, her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she has with her the SCW Alternative title. She starts towards the balcony but Sean stops her. She looks at him, confused until he leans in and kisses her.


Sean: Just stay calm. You’ll do fine.


Emily nods and then a member of the camera crew pokes his head in the room, looking for her.


Camera Man: You ready?


Emily:  As I’ll ever be.


Emily follows him outside to where the director of this little clip is waiting.


Camera Man #2: I’m thinking you sit there next to that table, and um… want that on the table?


He’s gesturing towards the title belt over Emily’s shoulder.


Emily: I’ll put it in my lap, thanks.


Emily takes a seat in the chair that not half hour ago she occupied. She takes a drink of water trying to chase away the case of dry mouth she is trying to get. She gets comfortable, places the belt in her lap and tucks a stray strand of hair behind her left ear. Emily remembers what she had been told, talk to her opponent, make them believe she had it all, and was ready.


On Camera


The camera opens to show Emily sitting on the balcony of her hotel room. In the background is a lake of some size, and trees blowing in the breeze. Its sunny, but not scorching hot as it can be in summer, and Emily Desmond seems relaxed. But one shouldn’t think she doesn’t care about this match because she does care, and she does care who she’s facing. This match will, one way or another, lead to the next step in her career.


Emily: Paige Lewis, I have to wonder where you are. I would say friend but I don’t know you that well, to say you’re a friend. But you are a worthy opponent, and I won’t deny that. You’ve taken on some of the best not just in SCW but one of the best in the industry. That’s quite impressive, especially at your age. I do hope that this is indeed the start of an incredible career that will span not just years, but perhaps decades. I admit I would like to be able to say twenty years from now “Paige Lewis? I knew her when……” and have people look at me with astonishment. I would hope you would want something similar with me. I mean you’re…..I think 26, and I’m 21. We’re in the beginnings of what can be, and we both are starting in the best way, as champions.


But there is something I do have that you don’t…..well two things. First has to do with the title I have right here, the SCW Alternative title, something I’ve held since June 17th of 2017. Do you realize in just a few months it will be two years? And I’ve defended it against some of the best SCW has to offer, names that I think even you can’t deny they are worthy opponents. I’ve faced my own tag partner Alzy, took care of Kennedy in quick order with a ladder match. Hell look at how I won this belt, I got Priest to say “ I quit”, not necessarily easy to do. Hell even last pay per view I took on Johnathan Mills in a cage….and I added weapons! I made a match that would play to his strengths, and instead they were his demise. See when I designed that match I was…..ok I admit I was inspired by Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. It’s one of my…..guilty pleasures. You can thank my mom, she watches some strange things, and I’ve come to love them. So I was thinking of Thunderdome but I didn’t think I wanted to add a top to it, so I even gave Mills a chance to win, a larger chance to win, and he couldn’t do it. I am still the Alternative champion.


Emily reaches for a bottle of water, and she takes the cap off and takes a long drink. She sets the bottle back on the table, but without the lid.


In fact, with the exception of Alzy, only one man has come THIS close to beat me, and that match was a non-title match, and that was Requiem, a man who had to take care of family business. I do hope to one day see him return, but I’m also not counting my chickens before they hatch. But Requiem took me to the time limit on our match, and I honestly thought he had me beat a couple times during that match. But I walked out of that match with a draw, and for me? I know that for now it’s the closest I’ve come to losing, and he’s an extremely worthy adversary. At least until Survival 2019. See I’m facing someone who… in the same realm as Requiem, and that’s you Paige.


You’ve accomplished a great deal in your life, not letting your …..well handicap slow you down at all. Trust me, I’m not going to go easy on you because of it, and I don’t think you would want me to go easy. I also know that many see you as being perhaps the one person in SCW who can do…..well what others couldn’t, and that is become a dual champion, holding the SCW World Heavyweight championship title AND the SCW Alternative champion. They see you as the person to end my reign, and I’ve had a lot of challengers, a list that I keep up here…..


Emily points to her head.


And if you said “what was it like to face…..” all you have to do is name them. Priest? I beat him to win this title and what has he done since then? He comes and goes, and is like some annoying insect that buzzes around your head. You swat at him, and he goes away, or he gets his feelings hurt and he sulks off. I’m not saying that losses dont smart, because they do. Believe me, I’ve had them when Alzy and I have come THIS close to the tag titles, only to have the win taken from us. So I get that feeling. Kennedy? The man can’t come near a singles title if his life depended on it. His only claim in SCW is the tag championships, and if it wasn’t for Jessica he would have lost them long before now. Jessica is what keeps that team on the correct side of the tag titles, but like Priest, he can’t get shit done on a singles title. We’ve talked about Alzy, and I had two matches that would make …..ok I’ll say it. One of those matches I took from her, and she got it from a man she has nothing but the utmost respect for. See Paige, maybe I should have asked for this match to be a chairs and cuffs, and no….I wanted something else, something more. Something that Alzy….Kennedy…..and even Priest hasn’t seen in SCW and that was a casket match. I would have thought that of all the people there are, Priest would have called for one before now, but then you have to stay in a fed long enough to make these type of requests.


Emily stops to take another long drink of water, then she replaces the lid this time, slowly turning the bottle around in her hands.


A casket match is surely different, and I’m sure you’ve done your homework so you know the general idea of how they work. See Paige, you have to get me to the point I barely know which way is up, get me out of the ring one way or another, get me IN the casket…..and here is where some people differ on their approach. Some would say that at this point you would win. But nope, we’re not stopping there Paige. You have to get the lid fully closed. THEN you win, and if YOU manage to do that, you become the one to take my title. But look at all those variables Paige, and tell me, and please be honest, can you pull it off? Can you honestly say that you can control all of those and be the one? Its asking a lot of you Paige, plus you have to think about the after. IF, and that’s a mighty big if, if you do win are you ready to try and defend the World Heavyweight AND the Alternative?


But then while I’m not looking too far in the future, I know what my future will be, and if you think this will be our one and only time we will compete against each other, please rest assured….you’re wrong. But I’m getting ahead of myself.


I’m ready for Survival, and I know it means a great deal to you, because I know when you lost to the Jessica, it was at Survival on December 30, 2017 and I know that if you lose to me, people will think that you and this date are cursed. In a way they would be right, because I have a great deal of faith, and perhaps a few dollars down on you defeating Larissa. However I hope you didn’t put money on yourself, or tell your friends to put money on you beating me because Paige you are not walking out of  Survival with both belts. You will have to pry it out of my cold hands. This title means a great deal to me, and I am not going quietly into the night, and I will go down fighting with my last breath. So I’m prepared…..are you?


Camera fades to black.


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