Prelude to the Maddness

By December 5, 2018Roleplay/Promo

Brian is seen sitting at his desk in his study. In front of him sits a stack of papers that he is filling out.  As the camera pans in, he smirks as he looks into the camera and begins speaking while he takes the stack of papers and puts them in the drawer. 


Brian:  “So, Brian Kennedy is still standing after the huge tag match at TLC.  Now I am about to step in the ring against a former partner of my current partner in J. Mills.  What do I think about it?  The truth is I know I am about to face off against a man that is just as a big of a name as I am.  I am facing off against another Living Legend.  I have to admit, after talkin to Jess I have to say at the end of the day I respect that man.  Win or lose I am still going to keep my eyes on him.  The DEA is always looking for members. But, let’s get onto this match.” 


He pauses for a second. 


“I am climbing the ladder again here in SCW.  There isn’t anything or anyone that is going to stand in my damn way.  Johnny Boy, I’m coming for a fight.  I am going to bring everything I have into this match.  I know you watched the Tag Match I was in at TLC.  You already know I am a fucking monster.  Well, just like I have told many men in my time.  Get down or lay down.  Because I really don’t give two shits about what you have done in other companies.  This is SCW and we are the Big Boys.  While you have already kicked the shit out of plenty of men on this roster. I am a different breed.  You already know Jessica won’t have shit to do with losers.  Well, it was me and her that built The DEA and we are unstoppable.  You have the chance here to join something that will boost your career here in SCW.  Or, you can jump the band wagon with Eric and his band of losers or Brewster and her clan and try to stop us.  Try your best and watch how bad you lay in the ring beaten and bloody.  You see what we have done.  SOD hasn’t ever beaten us, and well.  You already know Brewster Hell Fire or whatever they call themselves today is on the losing side as well.” 


He shakes his head. 


“Don’t get me wrong.  I do know there is someone out there that can beat my ass.  I have lost before.  But I win as hell of a lot more than I have ever lost.  I make that my main business.  Winning and claiming the top as my own. Along with Jessica we pave the way for the rest of DEA.  We are the winners and if you want that you know who to join.  But, this match.  I am asking you before you join.  Let’s rip the fucking roof off and give the crowd a show of the year and see who is the better man.  Because I already know you want to use the chance to say you beat me.  So, I know your bringing all you have.  I’d expect nothing more than you to see how fuckin tough I really am.  What do I have to say?” 


He pauses. 


“It’s about fuckin time.  I have been waiting all year for someone hell, anyone to bring a fight to me that I would have to actually step outside my comfort zone.  I know you are going to push me harder than Emily or Cam ever could.  I know that beating you once won’t cut it.  It is going to take a few times of me beating you into reality that I am the One-Man Apocalypse that I won’t be stopped.  So, what I am going to wait to hear from you is the J.Mills that I have heard of.  The ruthless mean son of a bitch that would smack a baby and kick a woman in the face and laugh as he walks off.  Let me see what you got.  Mills.  I won’t go down easy and I am a lot fuckin better than you ever thought.  I’m gonna surprise you.  Don’t take it personal Mills.  Cause it’s all for good business.” 


The scene fades to a DEA logo

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