SCW cameras are outside as a limo pulls up. The door opens and Chris Desmond steps out, dressed in a dark grey suit, light grey silk shirt, hair pulled back, and looking calm and at ease. He steps aside and holds the door open. First Alzy Hawkshaw, dressed in light blue shirt and dark pants, looking extremely serious, followed by Sean Foster, dressed in jeans and nice dark blue shirt and he holds out a hand. A hand comes out and Emily Desmond steps out, lowers her sunglasses looking up at the stadium, then looks at Sean and nods. Sean sees the camera and whistles. Magically a mic appears, apparently out of thin air, and Sean holds it for Emily. She removes her sunglasses, carefully holding them, but she has a look of determination. Given she’s in two very intense matches this evening it’s understandable, but that’s not all that’s on her mind, and she looks at Sean, who moves to stand between her and Alzy, not because they are mad at each other, but instead they both have a few things on their minds.
Emily: You know tonight I have a chance to walk into the arena, in a match I picked, and make history by walking out the Alternative champion. Nearly 500 days, and I’ve taken on some of the best that have come through SCW and tonight is no different. I had the chance last show to take on Johnathan Mills in a tag match so with that knowledge and the videos I have found online and I’m ready for him but before I do that we will step in the ring with DEA and try to capture something that seems to keep slipping through our fingers. But DEA you sure had a lot to say a few days ago and you know, it’s taken us both time to cool off a bit so that you understand what we’re going to say.
Alzy: See you guys……must be living in a time warp because you made a great deal of accusations, said that WE said a lot of things and after we watched what we said, you had us both scratching our heads, wondering if the ….recreational side of your life was killing a few too many brain cells. First let’s start off with the fact Brian can’t seem to pronounce my name. It’s not Azly….its Alzy. Just like it sounds, it’s not that foreign of a name unless you suddenly forgot how to speak….and sound like you’re from this planet. So BriAN get it right. You start off talking about how I lost this match or that but um…..well that has what to do with the our tag match? I’m curious because I’m just not sure what the hell your malfunction is.
Emily: As for us bringing up the “freebird” rule you said you didn’t say a word about it. Did I say YOU said it? Ask dear old Jessica about it, she brought it up the last time when we faced her and Johnathan, talking about we seem to think we were the only ones who could use it and it’s how we are the only ones who can use it yada yada yada. Well as we said, we never claimed that. I didn’t know I had to get a presidential proclamation saying Hellfire of Chris and Emily Desmond broke up and Hellfire is now Emily Desmond and Alzy Hawkshaw. Next time I’ll make sure it’s a nice clear day and have a plane sky write it. I didn’t know we needed your f…..
Chris clears his throat as he’s sure Mr. Walker doesn’t want to test whether or not FCC rules apply when its live from London. Emily takes a deep breath but Alzy knows where she’s going with this.
Alzy: I didn’t know I needed the almighty word of Brian Kennedy to say “oh sure, you guys want to switch things up, let Chris step out of the ring on a more permanent basis and we’re going to team. I didn’t know that Jessica Tendonin needed to sign the contract.
Emily: She wasn’t the stupid one talking.
Alzy: You’d think she’d get a smarter partner.
Emily: Hell you didn’t ask us if we approved of Requiem taking time off and you chose a new member. Hell at least our team kept the same name. Your team name? Isn’t even the same! Empire won the tag titles…..and yet DEA is defending them. So just because your dumb ass is whining about what you said, you know Brian you seem to be forgetting you’re in a TEAM. This isn’t DEA is Brian Kennedy. DEA has TWO people in it. Put down the weed for a minute and focus dude. Let the cobwebs clear out. Hell we even wished Requiem the best of luck, hope it all works out, all that stuff. And guess what?
Alzy: We meant it! Requiem is a hell of a wrestler, and an upstanding guy. We get it, even in our business sometimes life takes a huge precedence over getting in that ring. We want things to go well and life turns out good for him and let him take all the time he needs. Somehow you assholes…..
Emily: Jessica isn’t the asshole.
Alzy: Very good point. My apologies Jessica, at least for the moment. Kennedy you are an asshole, and if you would have tried to pay attention you would have got that pretty clear. Kennedy, we had family who nearly had to promise their first born son, part water like it was the Red Sea, and more to get a chance for them to get a rematch, yes a bit on their terms. Their terms were that the rightful team defended. But Cam and Lynn didn’t say “Hey um….you know Cam and Brian were Feral Destruction and we’re now the Flying Burrito Brothers.”
Chris, who has been standing just behind Emily’s left shoulder actually laughs, and hopefully it’s not lost on all of SCW’s fans. Alzy calmly waits for Chris to regain his usual composure, then continues.
Alzy: I think you get my drift real clear. You shouldn’t have been allowed to blatantly get a new partner, but whatever. Tonight we’ll take you on, we’re not afraid of the match you have set up. Barefoot? Ok. Ladder? Was that supposed to be a challenge? Carpet tacks on the ladder? Ok that is a bit of….well more endurance of pain than anything. Thumb tacks? Again, those are supposed to be a challenge? And finally rubbing alcohol. Ok like the carpet tacks going to sting a bit. But for me? Don’t you realize that I live for shit like this? And we’ve been toughening up the feet as they’ll take some punishment.
Emily: Shall we talk about how “oh we’re training three days a week.” Was that supposed to be impressive? Because…..I’m not impressed. I would think that every DAY would have been better. I’ve always thought of Jessica as a top athlete, or is it that you couldn’t be bothered to go stay in Ohio with her so you could really prepare for this match. But nope, like you’re in some day cooking competition, you do three day weekends. And from what I hear from your inner circle, you’re really not spending as much time as you are trying to make us believe that you train. Really? A couple hours a day? Brian… expect that type of thing to help you?
Alzy nudges Emily and she looks at him.
Alzy: Didn’t you just love how he bitched about us mentioning the Ryders and yet he brings up our family?
Emily rolls her eyes, trying to keep stern but the smile that is forming.
Alzy: But then Kennedy, sounds like you’re still suffering from the ass kicking Brian gave you. But then you say you shouldn’t give us another chance, well don’t throw stones in a glass house. Meaning? Paige didn’t have to give you another chance. Think about how you would have one match, one that you’re likely to lose? But nope, dear Paige, the sweetheart she is, said she’d let you try again. We…..
Emily shakes her head no.
Alzy: Ok I’m the one who bet she beats you and leaves you a bloody mess, that is if whatever posse is out to kick your ass doesn’t interfere. Hell if they try, I’ll stop them. Why? Because I want Paige to teach you a lesson dumbass, that’s why. THEN I’ll let those good old boys do what they want.
Emily: Jessica, why didn’t you just let Kennedy keep digging his hole bigger. You know the one that Paige will bury his ass in. But nope, you just couldn’t that and …’s sad to see. You say we’re stuck in the past, well isn’t the past relevant? I mean Jessica seriously I looked and I didn’t utter the name FTWO at all. In both what I said to Johnathan and to the two of you. So I don’t get the whole us naming dropping and all that. But …
Alzy snaps his fingers, as if remembering something.
Alzy: I know! It was when we faced Jessica and Johnathan. Remember?
Emily looks at him, like she doesn’t have a clue. But then it dawns on her.
Emily: Oh yes. We were talking about Johnathan being called Firestorm. So we uttered it once in a year and that’s all the time. And it was relevant as hell. WE asked how he could pick that name. Wow. I’m……
Alzy: I know. And wasn’t it someone you faced who commented or asked… did it feel knowing that I once held the title? And that was how long ago they did ask? In fact…..
Emily: In fact, look who’s living in the past Kennedy. But Jessica you disappointed me. I would have thought that you would appreciate that I’ve been a champion that you would say that you were proud of. Which btw the way THIS…….I will never disrespect.
Emily holds up the SCW Alternative title and then puts it over her shoulder.
Emily: I have defended it. I have thought of match types I want, I write them down, and I have a list of them still. Hell tonight I face your buddy Johnathan and look what I did. I put weapons IN THE CAGE!! I’m handing him the weapons he needs to beat me! But I don’t plan on losing, and I plan on beating him to a pulp. He dared to cross my path, and I will prove that just because you two got a lucky win against us, he will NOT walk out with MY title. But see Jessica, unlike you, who had the North American title and decided to rename it the International title, I would never think of doing that with this title. I know its lineage, I know how far back it goes, beyond the SCW history if we’re to split hairs here, its FTWO history as well, and there have been some greats. But we’re on the verge of 500 days that I’ve held this title, and I’ve defended it against some of the greats out there, and I’m still standing. I think we could both agree that whoever does take it will be accomplishing a great feat, a feat that your buddy there couldn’t do. So he didn’t beat me, so far he’s been defeated by Paige twice, going on a third time.
Alzy: You guys say we whine, we always talk about FTWO, and …..did I miss anything?
Emily: Nope, not at all. But I’m done talking.
Emily nods at Alzy, slips her sunglasses back on, and heads in as does Alzy. Sean looks after them and looks at Chris, and Sean gulps. Chris steps up to him smiling.
Chris: I think….they’ve said what they needed to. Time for talking is over now, and it’s time to get in that ring and get some wins. Tonight will be a blood one, that’s for sure. Look at what is happening tonight. Jessica and Rich are in the tame matches tonight and that’s saying something. I hope the emergency rooms in England are up to par, I don’t want my stars catching some infection. And they’re right….Alzy and Emily. Time for talk is done, it’s time for some action.
As My Name Is Human by Highly Suspect begins to play through the arena, a video montage is shown. Previous SCW stars are briefly shown, followed by current stars. Next, every champion in SCW history was shown, starting with Brian Brewster and Cam Davitt as SCW Tag Team Champions, The Ryders as SCW Tag Team Champions, Cam Davitt and Lynn Brewster as SCW Tag Team Champions, Empire as SCW World Tag Team Champion, DEA as SCW World Tag Team Champions, Jesse Owusu as SCW North American Champion, Lucius Tendonin during his first reign as SCW North American Champion, Stefanos Los Rios as SCW North American Champion, Jacina as SCW North American Champion, Lucius Tendonin during his second reign as SCW North American Champion, Macy Kane as SCW North American Champion, Paige Lewis as SCW North American Champion, Jessica Tendonin as SCW North American Champion, Rich Anderson as SCW North American Heavyweight Champion, Jessica Tendonin as SCW International Champion.
Lucius Tendonin as SCW Alternative Champion, Jessica Tendonin in her first reign as SCW Alternative Champion, Priest in his first reign as SCW Alternative Champion, Jessica Tendonin in her second reign as SCW Alternative Champion, Requiem as SCW Alternative Champion, Adatu Urakih as SCW Alternative Champion, Priest in his second reign as SCW Alternative Champion, Emily Desmond as SCW Alternative champion, Neela Shizeguma as SCW World Champion, Brian Kennedy as SCW World Champion, Brian Brewster as SCW World Champion, Paige Lewis in her first reign SCW World Heavyweight Champion, Jessica Tendonin as SCW World Heavyweight Champion, and lastly, Paige Lewis in her second Reign as SCW World Heavyweight Champion.
The SCW Commentary Team is shown now, Allie Queen and Wayne Miller.
Allie: Welcome to TLC, live from London!
Wayne: The card is absolutely insane tonight, but let’s get right into it!
Anne Carpenter: The following contest is for the SCW World Tag Team Championship! First from New York, accompanied by Chris Desmond, weighing at 415 pounds, the challengers, SCW Alternative champion Emily Desmond and Alzy Hawkshaw…..Hellfire!
Lights go out as “King Nothing” by Metallic comes up. Lights slowly come up at 30 seconds to show Alzy on one side, and Emily on the other, with Chris Desmond, dressed impeccably in a dark blue suit. Alzy and Emily are both wearing long black tights with flames of different shades of green and purple on them. Emily wears a solid green shirt and they both have black trench coats.
Alzy wears his hair down, like he normally does when wrestling, where Emily has hers in a ponytail. At 40 seconds they start making their way to the ring, ignoring the boos from the fans. As they reach the ring the circle round it once going different sides. If their opponents aren’t in the ring, at 1:14 they climb in. If their opponents are in the ring, they remove their jackets outside the ring and stare down their opponents before suddenly charging the ring at 1:40.
Allie Queen:This match, as we all know, was proposed by the champions themselves, and to be honest, I have to wonder if it was a smart decision. Brian Kennedy is taking on Paige Lewis tonight, in the main event for the SCW World Heavyweight Championship, and Jessica will be defending the SCW International Championship against newcomer Larissa.
Wayne Miller: Are you kidding? They know what they are doing! DEA is leaving with 3 championships tonight. I know Paige has been unstoppable so far, but I think tonight could be the night Brian Kennedy finally gets back on top of SCW!
Emily and Alzy slide into the ring. Looking around, the pair shook their head at the nonsense of a match they were being forced to take part in.
Allie Queen: And let’s not forget these insane stipulations!
Wayne Miller: There’s like five gallons on rubbing alcohol that is about to be just dumped everywhere!
Anne Carpenter: And their opponents, being accompanied to the ring by Lucius Tendonin, from Ohio, Brian Kennedy and the SCW International Heavyweight Champion, Jessica Tendonin, the SCW World Tag Team Champions…DEA!!!
The Red by Chevelle hit the PA system and a few seconds later, three members of the DEA walked out onto the stage. Brian Kennedy carried his half of the SCW World Tag Team Championship in his right hand. Jessica Tendonin wore both the SCW World Tag Team Championship and the SCW International Heavyweight Championship around her waist.
Allie Queen: A lot of people think tonight is Hellfire’s night, but others don’t think they can overcome the combination of a highly motivated Brian Kennedy and Jessica Tendonin.
Wayne Miller: Hell, if it was Hellfire versus Jessica in a handicap match, I couldn’t even give one side the advantage.
Lucius stayed on stage while Brian and Jessica began making their way to the ring. Jessica went up the steps first, and then held the ropes open for her partner, who then did the same. After posing for a moment, the four belts were handed to the referee, Jessica’s International title, Emily’s Alternative title, and the tag team titles. The referee then instructed both teams to remove their boots. As this was done, the alcohol was opened and dumped around the ring and in it.
Allie Queen: I expect they will regret this very soon.
Wayne Miller: I’d be surprised if this match doesn’t lead to some infections.
As everything was prepared, the two teams glared at each other. With the belts being raised above the ring, the match was ready to start. The bell rang and the two teams collided. Alzy and Brian met in the center and traded punches. Jessica took Emily down with a Lariat. Emily quickly got to her feet and grabbed Jessica by the hair, ramming her face first into the turnbuckle. Emily stepped on some thumbtacks and grunted in pain.
Allie Queen: That is already going to hurt, but when she steps in some of the alcohol? It’s gonna burn!
Wayne Miller: Psychological warfare. Jessica and Brian knew what they were doing when they set this match up.
Alzy took Brian down with a body slam, into a pile of thumbtacks. Brian groaned in pain as he was then dragged through a puddle of alcohol. Emily was on the verge of kicking a hole in Jessica’s midsection, having pulled her out of the corner. Jessica backed away and stepped on some thumbtacks. Emily charged at her, but Jessica threw a right hook, which Emily only JUST managed to avoid.
Allie Queen: Good reflexes there by Emily, dodging that hook.
Wayne Miller: Yeah, we know Jessica’s a pretty skilled boxer.
Brian was back on his feet and took a few punches to the body from Alzy before whipping the smaller man into the ropes. On the return trip, Alzy was picked up and driven into the mat with a huge Spinebuster. The thumbtacks under him broke his fall. Brian began stomping on Alzy, who grabbed a carpet strip, scrapping it on Brian’s leg. Brian staggered back, and Alzy got to his feet.
Allie Queen: So far this match is woman on woman and man on man, but I’m sure it won’t stay that way.
Wayne Miller: I have heard a rumor that Jessica has been looking to get Emily Desmond in some one on one action, to really get a closer look at who many are calling the future of the Alternative Division. This is her second time being in the ring with current champion, and still a tag team match.
Allie Queen: Yes, but we saw what happened then; Jessica and Johnathan, who hadn’t teamed together in years, came in and defeated Hellfire.
Wayne Miller: Now that I think about it…have Jessica and Brian actually teamed together before?
Jessica had Emily against the ropes, throwing punches into her body with impressive speed. Emily guarded her chin well and Jessica couldn’t find an opening. Unable to strike her from the sides, Jessica went for an uppercut, but Emily quickly lifted her chin out of the way. Jessica curved a left hook and caught Emily’s chin. Emily staggered back, very obviously dazed, but the lights were still on.
Allie Queen: Oh my god! How is she still standing! Even though Jessica is right handed, that left hook looked devastating.
Wayne Miller: I’ve gotta agree, although Jessica is ambidextrous, she clearly favors her right. Oh, there she goes again!
Jessica began firing away on Emily’s midsection again. Emily kept her guard up, but Jessica easily broke through it with a huge right that sent Emily to the mat. With Emily down, Jessica turned to Alzy, who had gained the advantage over Brian and was kicking him in the back. Jessica crouched, waiting for Alzy to turn around. The crowd popped as he did and Jessica ran across the ring. Alzy shoved Brian in front him, and it was too late for Jessica to stop.
Allie Queen: Not her own partner!!!
Brian hit the deck in the blink of an eye, and Jessica was jumping into the air, and managed to connect with the Spear. Alzy was standing near the ropes and nearly got cut in half as he and Jessica crashed to the outside.
Allie Queen: Holy crap!
The crowd roared with approval as Brian got to his feet and looked to his partner, who had landed in a pile of unfortunately placed thumb tacks, that were in a puddle of alcohol. Across the ring, Emily was stirring from the assault by Jessica, and Brian charged at her, avoiding the thumb tacks in his path. Emily countered with a Drop Toe Hold that sent Brian face first into a few carpet strips. Brian groaned in pain but Emily kept the assault up with an Elbow drop that landed on the back of his neck.
Allie Queen: This match is already insane, and it has only been going for a few minutes!
Wayne Miller: There is a lot of frustration both teams want to work out, and I’d say they are making pretty good time!
Outside the ring, Alzy and Jessica were trading punches. Alzy not only knew to protect his face, but he also had a reach similar to, if not better than, Jessica’s, and could force her in too close if she wanted a good strike. Alzy countered a Knee Strike and caught Jessica square on the chin with a right. Jessica reeled back, but when Alzy went in for the kill shot, Jessica weaved. Alzy hit her chin again, this time with his left. Jessica staggered backwards against the barricade.
Allie Queen: I didn’t know Alzy could box! He’s giving Jessica a run for her money!
Wayne Miller: Reach and technique. Jessica had reach on Emily, but not so much on Alzy. She’s taken two direct hits on her chin, though, and stayed vertical. I’m impressed.
Jessica was on the defensive as Alzy moved in and began smashing away at her midsection. Several times, he aimed for her face, but Jessica’s guard was like iron. Jessica ventured for a right of her own, but Alzy was already swinging a left hook. For the third time, Alzy hit her chin. Jessica dropped to her knees, dazed. Alzy punted her head, knocking her out.
Allie Queen: Jessica’s out! Alzy has just literally gone hand to hand with Jessica and came out on top!
Wayne Miller: Look how much it took, though!
Alzy slid into the ring and helped Emily plant Brian into a pile of thumbtacks. Emily rolled out of the ring and grabbed a ladder, sliding it into the ring. As she turned to pick up a bag of thumbtacks, she looked into the crowd, and stopped. It was Jessica. But Jessica was still knocked out 10 feet away from her where Alzy had put her down!
Allie Queen: Oh, I think Emily has just met one of Jessica’s doppelgangers!
Wayne Miller: Yeah, but which one!? We know there are three of them! I suppose we could rule out Ashley, as she’s barely able to walk.
As Emily looked back and forth between the two women, Brian nailed Alzy with the War Cry. Emily slid back into the ring, but was met with a huge Clothesline. She got back to her feet quickly, but Brian took her down again. Jessica slid into the ring as Emily got up dodged a third Clothesline. Jessica turned Emily around and took her down with Side Kick. Alzy was on his feet, and Jessica ducked under him and had him set up for the F5.
Allie Queen: Oh, This has been back and forth, but I think DEA has taken control yet again!
Wayne Miller: Wait, what is she doing?
Jessica hadn’t driven Alzy into the mat yet. Instead, she was signalling something to Brian. Her partner picked up Emily as Jessica crouched, still holding Alzy on her shoulders. Brian tossed Emily on top of Alzy.
Allie Queen: No, she can’t! That’s over 400 pounds!
Wayne Miller: Watch her!
Jessica pushed herself into a standing position and took several steps before saying something to Brian. Brian went for the ladder. Jessica slowly twisted, winding the motion up, before turning the other way quickly, and drilling Alzy and Emily into the mat.
Allie Queen: HOW!!!???
Wayne Miller: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Double T5!!!
Alzy caught most of it, and landed on thumbtacks. By the time Brian was climbing the ladder, Emily was back on her feet. Jessica was standing at the foot of the ladder, like a sentry, daring Emily or her partner to get past her. Emily charged at Jessica, but the Dragon caught her by the throat. The crowd popped at Jessica took Emily into the air and then slammed her to the mat. As Jessica got up, Alzy drove a knee into her back, and took her down with a Reverse DDT.
Allie Queen: Alzy has Jessica down, but Brian has one belt in hand already! He needs to remove both to win the match! This might be over!
Wayne Miller: Alzy isn’t even paying attention to Brian!
Jessica was back on her feet. Alzy threw a left that she parried before moving in with a right. Alzy parried the right from Jessica. The pair began boxing again. Jessica wasn’t protecting her chin. Alzy went for a massive left, and it landed just as the bell rang. Jessica collapsed to the mat, smiling.
Allie Queen: Alzy’s just knocked Jessica out again in this match, but Brian has just removed the second belt! This match is over!
Wayne Miller: My god! I told you, I freaking said it, DEA came in with a plan!
Anne Carpenter: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of this match, representing the Dragon Empire Agents, and STILL the SCW World Tag Team Champions, Brian Kennedy and Jessica Tendonin!
Atop the ladder, Brian held both belts up. Emily and Alzy angrily rolled out of the ring. By the time Brian descended the ladder, Jessica was on one knee and an EMT was checking on her. The referee handed her the International Heavyweight Championship as she stood. She was a bit dizzy on her feet, but she held herself up.
Allie Queen: This match was not nearly as brutal as I thought it would be.
Wayne Miller: I agree. Wait, what’s that?
Hellfire had turned around on the ramp and were looking at DEA in the ring. Jessica was tapping her head, grinning.
Allie Queen: What is that supposed to mean?
Wayne Miller: I think we know what Jessica said to Brian a few minutes ago. She must have told him to get the belts no matter what, and that she’d hold them off! And dammit, she did it!
Jessica tapped the side of her jaw and leaned over the ropes as someone handed her a microphone.
Jessica Tendonin: It was bait! Did you really think you could knock me out twice!? This match? This was a courtesy. You were not owed it, in any way, shape, or form. Next time…you’re going to have to earn it! Now get the fuck out of my sight!
Hellfire looked like they’d heard enough and they started making their way back toward the ring. And then, they stopped. The ramp in front of them was suddenly filled by a dozen or so women. At the head of the group was the tall Swedish blonde, Candice Karicia Kingston. On her left and right were Jessica Wallace and Izzy Lopez, Jessica’s cousins, who looked just like their leader. In the ring, Jessica had her arms crossed, looking amused. Brian looked impressed.
Allie Queen: I think the wise thing to do here is to leave, for Hellfire. There is no way they are making it through Kingston alone, let alone that entire group, not after this insane match!
Wayne Miller: Yeah, that’s Jessica’s personal guard. Jessica is running her mouth, and could probably back it up, even now, but she’s got another match tonight! She needs to save it for Larissa!
Emily and Alzy looked at each other and back at Candice before retreating. The members of the Order turned to the ring and bowed before climbing back into the crowd and vanishing.
Curtis: You know, I have been standing here thinking. Why don’t I assert myself more? Why am I just focusing on The DEA when there are other wrestlers in this company that just needs to learn their place when it comes to me and my guys.
He pauses for a moment.
Curtis:Rich Anderson I am talking about none other than you. You are just like Brian in so many ways that it isn’t funny and before your head can get much bigger let me inform you of something. I have talked to the Brass here in SCW and after tonight you’re looking at your next opponent.
He laughs.
Curtis:I’ll let that sink in.
He continues to laugh as the scene fades to black.
Anne Carpenter: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest will be contested as a Table match, and it is for the SCW North American Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, from Houston, Texas, weighing in at three hundred and twenty eight pounds, he is the challenger…Priest!
Passive by A Perfect Circle hits the PA system. As Priest steps onto the stage, the crowd gives him a mixed reaction. Stopping in the middle of the ramp, Priest glares into the crowd with a sinister smile. As the opening guitar riffs start to kick in, the lights in the arena flicker on and off as flaming pyro’s go off. After a couple seconds, Priest twist his neck to crack his spine and heads down the ramp.
Once he gets to the ring, he removes his black sunglasses and taunts tossing them into the crowd, but doesn’t. He sees a child walks over to him, and acts like he’s going to give it to him. But instead of giving them to the child, he drops them to the floor and stomps on them. The challenger laughs now as he climbs into the ring.
Allie Queen: Priest is making his return to SCW, and Rich Anderson has his hands full with the two time Alternative Champion.
Wayne Miller: This match could be a huge boost for both of them, but at the end of the day, the goal for both should be leaving with the championship. Only way to do that, is put the other man through a table.
Anne Carpenter: And his opponent, from Dallas, Texas, weighing in at one hundred and sixty five pounds, he is the SCW North American Heavyweight Champion…Rich Anderson!
Big Gun by AC/DC hit the PA system and the crowd cheered. A few seconds later, the SCW North American Heavyweight Champion emerged onstage. He wore the belt around his waist, visible under his glowing jacket. As the crowd applauded, he began making his way to the ring, not taking his eyes off of Priest. Priest sneered in the ring.
Allie Queen: And Rich looks like he is ready for action!
Wayne Miller: Priest is twice Rich’s size, and will definitely use that to his advantage, but we can’t count Rich out so easily.
Sliding into the ring, Rich unstrapped the championship and walked right up to Priest, getting in his face. The referee managed to separate them for just long enough to ring the bell.
Allie Queen: And this one starts with a bang!
Wayne Miller: Rich is fired the hell up!
Rich was sending shots into Priest’s midsection left and right without pause. Priest kept his guard up, protecting his face. A moment later, Priest shoved Rich away and then charged at him, going for a Big Boot kick, but Rich caught his foot and countered with a Spinning Wheel Kick, taking the challenger down. The crowd cheered as Rich ran to the ropes, rebounded off and literally threw himself at Priest as he was getting up.
Allie Queen: Rich is taking out all of his frustration from the last several weeks, and I gotta say, I’m loving it!
Wayne Miller: Champion is really throwing himself into this fight!
As the tangle of bodies separated, Priest and Rich both got to their feet. Priest tossed a huge right that stunned Rich.The challenger went for another, but Rich ducked it, and slipped behind Priest, and then took him up and slammed him with a Back Suplex, shocking the fans in attendance.
Priest rolled to one knee, blocked and kick, parried a right hand, and ducked a spinkick before getting back to a vertical base. Priest grabbed Rich by the tights and literally tossed him into a corner. Priest then ran into the corner like a freight train, slamming into Rich. The fans cheered as the action continued and Priest whipped Rich into the opposite corner. Priest then charged at Rich again, but Rich ducked out of the corner and onto the apron. Priest stopped himself, but Rich grabbed his head and then jumped off the apron, spiking the challenger over the ropes.
Allie Queen: The fans are completely shocked by how this is playing out, and I can’t say I blame them!
Wayne Miller: I think Rich is ready to introduce a table!
Indeed, Rich was sliding a table into the ring. Priest was on one knee favoring his neck with his back turned. Rich slid into the ring and picked the table up over his head before bringing it crashing down over Priest’s head.
Allie Queen: Oh my god! Priest might have a concussion after that!
Wayne Miller: That is a testament to the rage Rich has been feeling this past few weeks after Priest attacked him!
Priest groaned in pain as Rich picked up the table and leaned it against the turnbuckle. Rich turned to Priest now as the bigger man was getting up. Rich leaned on the ropes and launched himself at Priest for a Shoulder Block, but the challenger shrugged it off and Rich landed on the mat. Priest grabbed him by the hair, pulling him to his feet, and with seemingly no effort, Priest tossed Rich into the table in the corner and shattered it.
Allie Queen: Oh my god, is that it?! Is this match over?!
Wayne Miller: No, the table has to be set up! This ain’t over, but Rich is definitely going to be feeling that!
Rich was still reeling from the attack as Priest yanked him to his feet and then whipped him across the ring into the ropes. As Rich rebounded, Priest caught him up in a huge Spinebuster that almost looked as if it would break the champion in half. Priest got to his feet and began stomping away on the champion, not letting up on the assault.
Allie Queen: We are just minutes into this match, and it already looks as if it could be over at any second.
Wayne Miller: The pace of this match is not what I could have predicted!
Priest backed away and rolled out of the ring, going for a table. As he picked it up, he turned around in time to look up and see Rich flying over the top rope with a running moonsault. The crowd roared at Rich collided with Priest and the pair tumbled to the arena floor. The fans in the front row were leaning over the barricade trying to get a better view.
Allie Queen: Rich is throwing everything he’s got at Priest, including literally his own body.
Wayne Miller: Only thing missing is the kitchen sink!
Rich was first to his feet, but Priest got to one knee and wrapped a huge hand around Rich’s throat as he pulled himself to his feet. With seemingly superhuman strength, the challenger tossed the champion several feet away. The crowd roared at Priest advanced on Rich, who was already on one knee.
Allie Queen: I have to believe Mr. Walker is watching this backstage, keeping a close eye on the returning Priest and how Rich performs in his first defense of this new championship.
Wayne Miller: I think it’s safe to say Priest has awakened something in Rich, and it might not have been a good idea.
Priest was upon Rich now as the champion stood. Rich turned and the pair began trading punches. Priest, with more mass and a better reach, easily busted Rich open. Rich staggered backwards, and Priest began advancing on him again, when out of nowhere, Rich nailed him with a Superkick. The crowd snapped as Priest fell backwards.
Wayne Miller: No, that’s the Phack Off, dammit!!
Rich grabbed the nearest table and dragged it over to where Priest was. Taking a few seconds to catch his breath, Rich began setting the table up. When finished, however, his breather had cost him. He turned around and received a huge hand around his throat. Priest thrust Rich into the air, about to end it all.
Allie Queen: This is it! We’re gonna have a new champion!!!
Wayne Miller: No! Oh! It’s over!
Rich countered into a Hurricanrana, and swung priest forward, through the table while he rolled clear of the carnage. The bell rang over the applause as the referee handed the SCW North American Heavyweight Championship to Rich Anderson and raised his arm in victory. Big Gun by AC/DC began playing as the announcement was made.
Anne Carpenter: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and still the SCW North American Heavyweight Champion…Rich Anderson!
Anne Carpenter: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is ….weapons in a cage. First weighing in at one hundred and fifty five pounds he is Johnathan “Firestorm” Mills!
“Storm” by Devin Townsend plays as Johnathan Mills makes his way to the ring. He has a burst of speed as he gets closer to the ring and he slides in, then climbs up the turnbuckle, listening to the crowd. Finally he hops down.
Anne Carpenter: And his opponent she is the SCW Alternative champion. Weighing in at one hundred, ninety five pounds from New York City, New York…..she is Emily Desmond!
Lights go out as song begins to play. Also smoke fills the ramp, lit by red and green lights. Emily Desmond appears, her dark hair pulled back in a loose ponytail and dressed with tights that are a mix of green and purple on black, a shirt that is either solid green or purple or green, and a black leather coat. She seems focus on the ring and crawls in, keeping an eye on Johnathan. The cage door shuts and the referee calls for the bell.
Allie: Now it’s time for a match that has people talking.
Wayne: Many are wondering if Johnathan has what it takes to defeat Emily and win the title.
Allie: She’s held the Alternative title nearly 500 days. That is an incredible feat.
Wayne: Until you take another look at who trained her. Cam had incredible staying power as a champion.
Johnathan takes off his shirt and throws it into the corner as he starts to walk towards Emily as the bell rings with no emotion on his face. Emily immediately goes on the offense by driving forward, aiming a vicious kick to Johnathan’s right knee. Johnathan drops down to one knee and Emily aims another kick at Johnathan, this to his face. But he grabs her leg and uses his rising momentum to trap her. He tries to lift her up but she is able to easily escape. However Johnathan does get hold of her and throws her across the ring with all his power. Immediately after doing so, he follows and with his momentum drives her face first into the cage. Emily slides down but Johnathan stays with her and pulls Emily to her feet and throws her into a turnbuckle with amazing power from him. She hits the corner and rebounds back towards him.
Allie: Johnathan is going on the offense early it seems. That is his true advantage here, he can burst out with amazing speed.
Johnathan attempts a quick spinebuster but as he’s beginning to lift, Emily launches a knee into his groin, breaking his hold on her. Johnathan holds his groin in pain, stunned. She capitalizes on the opportunity, running back and hit the ropes. She comes bounding off and gives Johnathan a vicious dropkick to the temple of Johnathan. The force of the shot moves him from the center of the ring to the ropes on the other side. Jonathan turns, using the ropes to hold himself up momentarily to regain his composure. Emily runs back, hitting the ropes again and rushes at Johnathan full speed. Emily leaps, driving Johnathan’s face into the cage with a shoulder block. He bounces off the cage and falls to the ground. Emily looks up at the cage and grabs a steel chair that has razor wire wrapped around it. She turns and gets ready to swing at Johnathan but he sees what she’s grabbed and he grabs hold of the ring ropes as Emily swings. But with nothing to connect with the momentum spins Emily in a circle and the chair bounces off the ropes and hits Emily in the face. The razor wire cuts her on the cheek, and she lowers the chair and wipes at her face. She sees the blood, and looks up at Johnathan, who has a smile on his face, loving how Emily’s idea backfired on her. Emily drops the chair and rushes at Johnathan, forcing him into the ropes. As he comes off them she grabs his head and drives it into the chair in the middle of the ring, cutting Johnathan on the forehead. He rolls over, wipes his forehead, and sees that he’s also bleeding now.
Allie: Wow! Did anyone expect this? Emily already has Johnathan bleeding.
Wayne: If this was a first blood match, Emily would have won, but unfortunately this only the beginning.
Emily comes from behind but a blind swinging clothesline by Johnathan connects and sends her down to the mat. He gets to his feet, blood running down his face. He begins to kick maniacally at Emily, shoving his boot into her ribs. Emily tries to defend herself, but the strength that Johnathan is able to get in his kicks breaks through Emily’s defense.
Wayne: Looks like Emily might be in trouble.
Johnathan suddenly stops, looking at Emily sadistically. He looks up at the cage and pulls down a baseball bat, the favorite weapon of Emily’s mom. He takes a swing but Emily is able to move slightly, but does get hit in the knee. Emily screams in pain as Johnathan swings again, and he goes for the knee again, but Emily kicks out and catches him with a kick from her other leg and into his knee. Johnathan drops the bat, but as Emily gets up Johnathan wraps his hand through Emily’s hair, bringing her to her feet. She punches him square in the jaw in return the moment she’s up to her feet. Johnathan yells with rage as he releases her hair, grabbing her by the throat and throws Emily into the cage. She bounces off and becomes entangled in the ropes.
Johnathan turns away, and begin to climb the nearest turnbuckle, ascending to the top of the cage. He gets to the top and glances down at Emily who is still struggling with the ropes. He grins, then decides to climb down the cage, dropping to the mat and pulls down a table and he begins to set it up. As he does, the crowd begins to cheer extremely loudly. Johnathan assumes it’s for him, but they cheer for Emily, who has freed herself from the trap of ropes and is quickly scaling the cage hoping to jump and land on Johnathan, taking him out.
Allie: What in the hell is Emily doing?
Wayne: Ok now she’s taking risks that I’m not sure she should try.
Allie: Well Emily is becoming known for extreme and hardcore stuff….oh tell me she isn’t.
Emily gets to the top, watching Johnathan like a hawk. Johnathan finally gets the table set up and begins to walk in front of the table. Emily sees her moment, and jumps high into the air! Emily turns herself as Johnathan looks up to see her coming down. She connects with a HUGE cross body splash, sending them both through the table with a sickening smash, both competitors bouncing off the mat like rubber balls.
Wayne: Holy shit!!
They both lay motionless for a moment as EMT’s stand at the ready to assist either of them if needed. Johnathan is the first to come to his senses and he gets up, clearing out the cobwebs. Emily is still down and doesn’t seem to be moving any time soon. Johnathan climbs up the cage, and then down the outside of it and is looking for a weapon under the ring, one that is apparently not hanging in the ring. As he’s searching Emily comes to and sits up. She pushes loose hair out of her eyes and sees Johnathan outside the ring. Emily looks up and the climbs to the nearest turnbuckle and pulls herself up and then she starts climbing up the cage. She gets to the top and watches Johnathan, who seems to have found the weapon he wanted. He straightens up and realizes Emily is no longer lying in the ring. He looks up and Emily jumps, landing right on him and sends them both to the concrete. The EMT’s get closer and Emily rolls off Johnathan, holding one knee and in pain. Johnathan is slowly coming to and the EMT’s help him up, but he shakes them off. The EMT’s don’t even reach Emily, as she comes charging through the group, driving Johnathan into the security barrier. She starts laying into Johnathan with punch after punch. Johnathan glares, and manages to lift her up into a bear hug and runs into the corner of the cage, slamming Emily’s back to the metal. Johnathan doesn’t stop there as he grabs another chair with razor wire and slides it across Emily’s back, causing her back to tear open and bleed profusely. Johnathan then slams the chair down on her back and tosses the chair aside. He pulls Emily up by her hair. Johnathan gets her up and slams her down into the concrete floor with a solid thud.
Allie: I think I’m going to be sick to my stomach.
Wayne: I need to start drinking. Know anyone who might share?
Johnathan looks around for a moment, not realizing that Emily has grabbed a bat that she saw next to her and as he bends down towards her, Emily lets him have it. Johnathan tries to dodge but his legs are heavy from the abuse so the blow hits him full force in the stomach. As he drops down to his knees. Emily is rolling away getting herself to her knees. The bat comes down like a lumberjack splitting wood onto Johnathan’s back, the sickening thud hushes the entire crowd as Johnathan to the floor.
Allie: Than heaven, looks like Emily is finding her next wind.
Wayne: Yeah, with some help.
Allie: She needs all the help she can get!
Emily forces herself to her feet with the help of the bat. She wastes no time in setting Johnathan into a sharpshooter. The pain brings him back to consciousness as he yells out in agony. He claws at a garbage can lid and with determination he manages to get hold of it. Johnathan swings back, clocking Emily in the back of the head and breaking the hold. She stumbles forward and clings to the cage to keep herself on her feet. She looks back and sees that Johnathan is making his way to his feet so she begins to climb the cage.
Allie: I think Emily as the right idea. INSIDE the cage is probably her safest spot right now.
Emily is stopped suddenly as Johnathan grabs her foot and yanks her down off the cage. A hard push puts her into the security barrier and Johnathan is on her in one instant, lifting her up and setting her legs onto the barrier. He drops down, sending her headfirst into the concrete floor.
Wayne: Ouch! That will leave a mark.
He then nonchalantly grabs a chair and steps onto the apron of the ring where the cage door is located and kicks hard, sending the door flying on its hinges. Johnathan sits down in the chair that was once in the ring, just waiting for Emily to get back up. And get back up is just what she does, looking at Johnathan as she grabs the ladder, throwing it into the ring and grabbing the bat before she enters the cage.
Allie: People said this would be vicious, I think that’s an understatement.
Wayne: He’s stalking his prey, and she’s going to play right into his hands.
She goes for another swing but a quick kick to her gut hunches her over. Johnathan grabs the bat, yanking it from her grasp and throwing it aside. He picks Emily up for a suplex but she swings her body weight while in the air, causing Johnathan to lose control and she swings forward into a DDT right onto the leg of a ladder that came to rest in the middle of the ring. She cringes in pain at the damage the ladder causes her already tortured body. Johnathan twists away from the ladder with hands to his face, blood pouring through his fingers like a faucet that had been turn on as his face had connected with the ladder. Johnathan manages to make his way to the turnbuckle and uses it to keep his feet under him.
Meanwhile Emily begins to set up the ladder as Johnathan bends down and grabs his shirt from earlier, tearing a long strip and wrapping it around his head to keep the blood out of his eyes. He quickly sidesteps the flying dropkick that Emily tried to place off the ladder. Johnathan reaches down and picks Emily up by the neck and tosses her toward the ring ropes.
Allie: No!
Wayne: I’m going to need something pretty strong to drink.
As Johnathan walks over to Emily gets back up and they trade blow after blow in the middle of the ring. After receiving five hits to the face Johnathan goes for a clothesline but Emily ducks underneath it and hits the back of Johnathan’s legs with a dropkick. She quickly gets up and sees him teetering while getting up, holding the ropes to regain his footing and balance.
Allie: You know, amazingly Emily has managed to keep up with the speed of Johnathan. Did anyone expect her to?
Wayne: What do you mean? Emily’s proven she can stay in there.
Allie: Would you please pick a side.
Wayne: Meaning?
Allie: Who are you rooting for…….wait have you been betting on Emily or Johnathan?
Wayne: …..(dead silence)
Emily sees her opportunity and charges full blast, hitting Johnathan with a shoulder charge with such force that he breaks through the cage door and tumbles to the floor below in a heap of blood and metal. Emily sees him stir so she drags herself to the farthest turnbuckle and begins to slowly climb to the top of the cage once again, determined to end things once and for all.
Allie: Emily has lost her mind! This could end it for her!
Johnathan manages to get the broken piece of cage off him and sees that Emily is climbing, but instead of going after her directly he begins to climb the cage himself. They both reach the top of about the same time, both struggling to keep their balance from the height and loss of blood. Emily walks towards Johnathan and once again they begin to trade blows, both of them almost to the point of falling every time one of them swings.
Wayne: Ok, now they are both losing their minds. They fall from up there, we’ll need a shovel to pick up the pieces.
Johnathan takes a punch and quickly lunges towards Emily, once again clamping in a bear hug and she screams as he crushes the air out of her lungs. In desperation, Emily slams down with both of her fists into the face of Johnathan. Again and again she slams down until Johnathan begins to lose his grasp. In a suicidal decision Johnathan pushes away from the cage instead of letting o. They both tumble down, crashing through the announcer’s table as everybody scrambles to get out of the way.
Both Emily and Johnathan lay in a heap of wood and electronic equipment, blood pouring out of both of them. Johnathan coughs suddenly, splitting out blood as his body convulses to keep itself alive. He grabs Emily’s lifeless form and begins to slowly drag her towards the ring steps. Inching himself forward, he pulls her up to the steps and props her up, her head laying silently on one of the steps as her body sits limp next to the steps.
Dead silence from the commentators for a minute.
Johnathan staggers and tumbles to the ground, with grim determination he makes his way to the apron and pulls out a sledgehammer. He pulls himself up and makes his way back to the steps, dragging his left leg and the hammer behind him. Finally he positions himself, nobody daring to stop Johnathan in his insane plan. He heaves the sledgehammer over his head and prepares to swing for the fences.
Allie: No!
A strange look crosses Johnathan’s face as he looks down at Emily, so decimated by their match she lays there, only her shallow breathing convincing the world that she is still alive. Suddenly he yells and pulls back, the entire crowd gasping as he swings the sledgehammer with all his might.
Allie: Thank heaven, he missed.
Wayne: Yeah but will he miss again? I think he’s trying to scare her more than anything.
Allie: Or kill her.
Wayne: Mills wouldn’t do that.
Johnathan is ready to go for a third try…..but Emily has been playing him! While lying there she’s been getting her wits about her again and she lands a kick first to his knee and when he lowers the sledgehammer, she goes for the groin. Johnathan crumples to the ground. Emily looks to be going for a pin, then picks Johnathan up and hits him with a solid suplex onto the concrete floor. Johnathan seems to be knocked out, or at least not in his mind, and Emily grabs him by the feet and begins dragging Johnathan to the steps and INTO the cage. It takes a few minutes, and a few kicks to the stomach but she gets him in there. She pulls him up to his feet and throws him into the ropes, ready to nail him with a dropkick when he comes off the ropes….
But he knew what was going on and uses the ropes to stop his momentum! Emily drops to the canvas and realizes what has happened. She gets to her feet and looks around, seeing the chair with razor wire. She rushes at it, picks it up….and nails Johnathan across the chest with it as he charges at her! Johnathan falls back to the canvas and finally, for the first time in this match…..
Wayne: She’s still champion!
Anne Carpenter: Your winner and STILL SCW Alternative champion…..Emily Desmond!
Emily gets to her feet and falls back into the turnbuckle as the referee gets the belt and hands it to Emily. She gets up and raises it into the air. Johnathan is getting to his feet, disappointed that he couldn’t stop Emily’s reign. However showing there are no hard feelings (really? they just tried killing each other) he offers his hand to congratulate her. Emily cautiously extends her hand and he shakes it, and raises her arm. He lets go of her hand and applauds with the crowd. Johnathan gets to the cage door just as Chris Desmond, who was backstage (at Emily’s request) wants to climb in. Johnathan gets out and Chris climbs in, looking like the proud daddy as he goes up to his daughter and raises her hand. She hugs her dad with one arm while the other holds onto the Alternative title belt.
Backstage, in the dressing room of Paige Lewis, Mr. Walker is on his folder, upset.
After a few seconds, Mr. Walker spoke again.
Mr. Walker: Get me the-
He paused again. This time, it was a few minutes before he spoke again. He swore.
Mr. Walker: You’re telling me the CIA, the NSA, SIS AND the SAS cannot find this one woman!? This is insane! Where the hell could she be?
Another pause.
Mr. Walker: Very well, sir.
A moment later, Mr. Walker was putting his phone away. He looked around the dressing room, which was empty of person effects, then he turned to the camera.
Mr. Walker: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the SCW World Heavyweight Championship match will not be taking place tonight. As such, the SCW International Heavyweight Championship match is our new main event. I’ll hopefully have more information soon.
The scene faded back to Allie and Wayne.
Wayne Miller: What the hell is going on? Was he talking about PAige Lewis? Is she the one missing?
Allie Queen: I don’t know, but whoever it is, they’d better pray to every god they know of. CIA, NSA, SIS, and SAS can’t find you, and you are truly missing! It looks like our next match has just been upgraded top main event!
Wayne Miller: This one is going to be good.
Allie Queen: A lot of people are expecting this to be a totally one sided match. We’ve got the rookie Larissa, taking on Jessica Tendonin, arguably the biggest star in SCW…ever.
Wayne Miller: Stranger things have happened, so we’ll just have to wait and see!
Allie Queen: And it’s go time!
Anne Carpenter: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the main event of the evening, and it is scheduled as a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match, and it is for the SCW International Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Shanghai, China…Larissa!
As the Chinese National Anthem began playing, Larissa came out on stage and stepped onto a pedestal. It began rotating slowly while she held her hands up in the air. After a few revolutions, it slowed to a stop and Larissa stepped off and began making her way to the ring. Coming down the ramp, she removed a compact mirror and began admiring herself. After climbing into the ring, Larissa put the mirror away and stood in the corner.
Wayne Miller: Larissa is about to compete in the biggest match of her career so far, and one can only imagine what is on her mind.
Allie Queen: Only one thing matters to her right now…winning.
Anne Carpenter: And her opponent, she is the reigning and defending SCW International Heavyweight Champion…hailing from Shaker Heights, Ohio, she weighed in at 191lbs this morning, she is the Paraguayan Sensation…please welcome…JESSICA TENDONIN!!
Imaginary (Synthesis Version) by Evanescence began playing through the arena audio system as the crowd exploded, getting excited to hear the classic theme.
Wayne: She used this theme on the night she ascended to the SCW World Heavyweight Championship! Will she retain tonight using this song?
After a few seconds, Jessica Tendonin walked out onto the stage, the SCW International Championship around her waist. She stood there for a moment, raising both arms above her head, posing for the fans who cheered her. Jessica then began walking down the ramp, slowly lowering her arms.

Allie: Larissa and Jessica will fight to the end over the SCW International Heavyweight Champion, that Jessica has spent over a year polishing.
Wayne: The bookies have it ten thousand to one that Jessica leaves with the championship! I’m putting a hundred down on her! That’s…that is a million dollars when she wins! Holy shit!
The referee took the championship from Jessica and held it up in the air as the crowd cheered loudly. After a moment, the referee gestured for the hook to be lowered so he could put the belt on it. As the championship rose above the ring, the bell rang and the main event began.
Allie: And we are ready to get going here in this main event!
Wayne: I still want to know what happened, but Mr. Walker isn’t talking much about it.
Larissa and Jessica met in the center of the ring, and Jessica held her hand out. Larissa slapped it away. Jessica grinned as she swung the hand back, striking Larissa across the face and making her stagger back a bit.
Allie: Cheapshot from the Champion!
Wayne: Cheapshot my ass! That is the International Heavyweight Champion!!! She may do as she pleases!
Larissa dove at Jessica, but Jessica held up an elbow, and Larissa crashed into it at her temple. On her knees, Larissa struggled to get up, but Jessica grabbed her by the hair and drove her face first into the mat. Larissa lifted her head up from the mat, and Jessica put her foot on the back of the challengers head, and stomped, driving her into the mat again. Larissa didn’t move this time.
Allie: What the hell! Brutal!
Wayne: God damn, I think Larissa is knocked out!
Observing the unmoving Larissa for a moment, Jessica turned to crowd and bowed extravagantly with a wicked grin. Then, the International Champion went to a corner and climbed then sat on the turnbuckle. Elbows on her knees and face in her hands, the champion waited.
Allie: What the hell is she doing?
Wayne: I think she wants to drag this one out a bit.
After a couple of minutes, which Jessica spent making funny faces at the crowd, Larisa began moving again. Jessica hopped off the turnbuckle and stalked Larissa from behind. The challenger was bleeding as she got to her feet. Dazed, Larissa turned around to a Belly to Belly Suplex from Jessica, sending her flying across the ring.
Allie: Larissa is busted open, but Jessica is not letting up!
Wayne: Why the hell would she?! The SCW International Heavyweight Championship is on the line, and this is the new main event of TLC!
Larissa got to her feet just in time to take one of Jessica’s powerful knees in her midsection, making her double over. Jessica leaned on the ropes for momentum and went for a scissor kick, but Larissa shoved her backwards, sending the champion tumbling through the ropes to the outside.
Allie: This is the first bit of offense Larissa has gotten in for this whole match so far! She needs to keep it going if she wants to walk out as the new champion!
Wayne: I love a good underdog story, but think about what you’re saying! That’s Jessica freaking Tendonin! That’s Miss SCW herself! This rookie has no chance!
Larissa launched herself over the top rope, diving into Jessica, and both crashed to the floor. Larissa was on her feet first and she quickly grabbed a chair and slammed it over Jessica’s back. The champion groaned in pain, but Larissa hit her with the chair again and again until it was bent and useless. With the champion down, the challenger set up a table between the apron and the barricade.
Allie: Larissa taking control here, and working strategically.
Wayne: Strategically? She beat her with one chair!
Jessica was on one knee when Larissa turned to her. Jessica lunged but Larissa was ready and flipped her up and over, sending the champion crashing through the table. The crowd cheered in excitement as the first table of the match was smashed. Larissa picked Jessica and rammed her into a ringpost, dazing the champion. Another ram into the ringpost and Jessica was busted open.
Allie: Oh my god!
Wayne: Hold on! I’m getting word that Mr. Walker has just decreed that the winner of this match will face Paige Lewis for the SCW World Heavyweight Championship!
Allie: WHAT?!
Wayne: I swear that is what I’m being told! This just got higher stakes put on it!
Larissa and Jessica began trading fists. Jessica, taller, stronger, bigger, and with more reach, took control and easily punched Larissa against the apron. Larissa, instead of covering her face or blocking her chin, tried to block individual hits. Jessica, using her knowledge of boxing, used this to her advantage and after a flurry of punches to her opponents midsection, caught her chin with a heavy right. Larissa stiffened up as she fell to the floor.
Allie: Larissa is out! Jessica has knocked Larissa out for the second time in this match!
Wayne: I told you! Larissa really has her work cut out for her! At this point, she just better pray she doesn’t have to be taken out on a stretcher! Larissa is not leaving this arena with the SCW International Heavyweight Championship!
Jessica looked at Larissa, grinning before turning to move towards a ladder. Breaking it down and sliding the ladder into the ring, the champion rolled into the ring as well. Jessica pointed up at the championship and crowd roared. With a pleased nod, she set up the ladder under the championship.
Allie: Larissa is still out, and this match could be over in seconds!
Wayne: I’m telling you, Jessica has this in the bag.
Jessica began slowly climbing the ladder, taking her time. When she was halfway up, the ladder was knocked over by Larissa. The crowd roared as Jessica flew off the ladder and bounced off the top rope and flew out of the ring and into the front row seating area at ringside. The crowd began chanting Holy Shit as they crowded around where Jessica landed.
Allie: Larissa saves the match but holy shit!
Wayne: I have to believe Jessica could be seriously hurt after that!
Larissa rolled out of the ring and grabbed a chair. Jumping to the barricade, Larissa tossed the chair to where Jessica was before throwing herself at her opponent. A bloodcurdling scream came from the crowd. Larissa jumped to her feet looking pleased with herself. She then picked Jessica up and threw her over the barricade to the floor, and now the scream was understood.
Jessica’s left arm, halfway up the forearm, was not in the correct anatomic state. Her arm was broken. Larissa picked the champion up and rolled her into the ring before following her. Both women got to their feet, and Larissa went for a kick to the midsection, but Jessica parried with her knee, turning Larissa and then driving her right elbow into the small of her back.
Allie: How is she still going!? We need to get medical staff out here! This match is over! Jessica simply can’t continue!
Wayne: Oh no, Jessica won’t let anyone look at that til this match is over.
Larissa turned around groaning, and Jessica put her right hand around Larissa’s throat, and crowd popped.
Allie: Impossible!
Wayne: Jessica’s gonna go for the Chokeslam with one broken arm!
Larissa kicked Jessica in the gut, making her release the challenger. Jessica staggered backwards and Larissa charged at her. Jessica crouched and leaned into Larissa and then stood up with the challenger on her shoulders. With one good arm, she managed to nail the F5, sending Larissa to the mat.
Wayne: With a broken arm, Jessica Tendonin is still giving Larissa a hell of a contest! This needs to end fast, so that that broken arm can be properly set! That was an incredible T5, however!
With Larissa down, Jessica took a few seconds to catch her breath before moving for the ladder. There was a sense of urgency about her movement now, none of the cocky bravada from earlier in the match. Setting the ladder up quickly, Jessica wasted no time as she began climbing toward the SCW International Heavyweight Championship. The fans in the arena were screaming at the top of their lungs as she reached the top. Jessica took a few seconds to catch her breath. That was a mistake.
Allie: Larissa is up! Larissa is up!
Wayne: Grab the damn belt!!! End this now!
Larissa climbed the other side of the ladder with amazing speed. A struggle ensued at the top. Larissa with two good arms and Jessica with one good arm seemed even at first. And then, Larissa had Jessica set up in a Hammerlock.
Allie: The Shanghai Noon! She’s setting it up!
Wayne: Oh god, no! Not off the ladder!!!
Larissa drove Jessica into the mat below with the Hammerlock DDT. Jessica wasn’t moving. Larissa was back on her feet in seconds, and moving for the ladder. The arena erupted into a massive uproar of mixed reactions.
Allie: We’re going to have a new champion!
Wayne: I can’t believe what I’m seeing!
Larissa quickly climbed the ladder, and when she reached the top, Jessica still wasn’t moving. Larissa reached up and unhooked the SCW International Heavyweight Championship. The bell rang as the fans went into a frenzy. Larissa herself even looked shocked as she stared at the championship.
Wayne: GOD DAMNIT!!!
Anne Carpenter: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, and the new SCW INTERNATIONAL HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION…LARISSA!!!
EMTs began flooding the ring to check on Jessica as Larissa climbed down the ladder. A pair attended to the new champion as she got on her knees to look at the belt, still not believing she’d done it. TLC went off the air with this image.
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